Friday 4 January 2013


Assalamualaikum. Hi. Lama tak jumpa :)

So, basically, sekarang dah tahun baru. Even though not as new as it should be, but it still felt new. With nothing new happened.

If you're reading this in the future, Athirah, please remember that, kiamat predicted on 20-12-2012 did not happened and you were truly glad that those Kafir knew they were wroooong. So, awak pun sambut your 20th :) Which was awesome by the way. Being with love. Hi hi hi.

Be grateful.

Oh, tadi juga awak baru ambil first final paper awak bagi first part awak in degree. CTU. Yeah, awak tak pernah dapat even A- pun tu :D

You must be wondering what took me so long to create a new post. Well, right now I am dead bored. Can't sleep with this huge ulcer in my mouth which keeps popping out monthly. There's something wrong with me, man.

Hey future Athirah, I hope you get splendid results this semester, please let it be Dean's List eh? Nanti dah makin susah makin takleh dapat Dekan. Awak pula masuk SMF, makin busy.

I should probably at least study at this very moment. FAR is tomorrow and I am clueless. Clueless I tell you! Then a day after is CRG! I know I'll get B- on this one. Where's the three days gap?

After the finals, I'll start think about settling down. Yeah. Awak, bila nak jumpa ayah? HA HA HA.

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