Friday 16 March 2012

and they say,

There are certain things that I hate. Wait, not hate. Get annoyed? Bugs me? Nah, just don't like it. Hey, I get to choose my own preferences okay.

Anyway, they said it's a good thing. What I stand for is a good thing. But, not all of them agree with me.

The point is, you might say I hate that song because it reminds me of your past. Your better life I might say. Or maybe because it looks like you can't get over it since you like to be reminded of your past so, that's why I hate that song.

Yes, this post is about a song. Technically, break-up songs.

Hate is a strong word but I hate Taylor Swift. She, her songs and her ideas of writing songs. Yes, she is very creative to be able to write her own songs. But based on her life? Her childhood or her family whatsoever is fine but her sad love life? Please. Just get over it. Keep your sad life story to yourself okay. Pathetic. Fine, it's her song, let her be. Whatever.

Okay fine, there are some break-up songs about you hate your ex and how you'll get over it but guess what, by writing or singing that song will remind you of it and doesn't get you over it! Duhh.

So, basically you aren't over your past, how would you think those person in your present and future will feel about that? How worthless they think they are because they will think that they can't be better than your past (if not then you wouldn't still be thinking of your past because you have a great life right now)?

No, it is fine to like sad songs. But, having your past dedicate it to you? You should really be considerate. Think of the people in your present. Or would you rather to have your past back?

Forget what hurts you in the past but never forget what it taught you.

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