Thursday, 5 May 2011

treasure what is still left (titled 3 hours after posted)

Let's not talk about family because surely they are your priorities whom will never leave you no matter what because you guys are bound by this invisible thread which I guess none scientist can prove it's existence scientifically. On the other hand, friends. You figure out yourself. I will not babbling about it because even I won't read long bullshit.

What I want to say is, never neglect your friends especially after you have declared to be 'bestfriend' then leave them without notice whatsoever and decided to act like you never knew them. Who the fuck you think they are? Just because you have a dick doesn't mean you have to be one. Just because your heart is with someone else, doesn't mean you have to not care about others. Dude, I do hope these 'creatures' face karma. Good to know if your 'abandoned' friends can and able to move on and can accept the situation with open-mind. Fuck you if you ever look for them after this so, you are fine as long as you too, keep on living the life you have chose.

I love my friends, don't you?

PS: I just deleted one whole paragraph about friends. It's too damn long.

You are my bestfriends. When you fall, I will pick you up.
After I finished laughing.

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